Group (Class) Tutoring
Ages 6-18
Grades 1-12
Project - Based Learning
Project-based learning promotes autonomous learning communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.
Flexible Schedules
We offer full time, part time and hybrid options. All our programs are completely customizable and built to allow for therapies, extra-curricular opportunities and with family in mind.
Ongoing evaluation and alternative assessments
Learning paths and plans adjust and adapt as the student grows. Skills are assessed through observation, learning tools and self-assessment techniques, never formal testing.
Mastery-Based, Autonomous Learning
Students work at their own pace in digital learning tools customized to their needs.
Real- World Application
A real-world focus keeps students engaged, motivated and also allows for a unique assessment tool, allowing students and families to truly see the fruit of their labor and how it will benefit them in real life, not just while they’re in school.
Community Partnerships
Strong community-based partnerships not only bring our community together, but enrich the program with arts and education.